Joan of Arc monument in Philadelphia

Author: Scott Manning

  • The Matrix Revolutions

    The Matrix Revolutions

    Director: Wachowski Brothers Release Date: November 5th, 2003 Rating: R (for sci-fi violence and brief sexual content) See it on Amazon Most regular moviegoers have a rule about not getting too hyped about a movie to avoid the fear that they’ll be let down. And why shouldn’t they live in such a fear? So many…

  • Multiple References to One Footnote in Word

    Multiple References to One Footnote in Word

    This question comes from Ram Ramakrishnan. Ram was writing a Word document and wanted to use a footnote. He wanted to reference that one footnote multiple times throughout the document. When inserting a footnote (Insert > Reference > Footnote), Word will place a number, letter, or symbol that is used to refer to the footnote.…

  • Hamann-Neo Reloaded Transcript

    Hamann-Neo Reloaded Transcript

    Some have suggested that he was the previous “One” before Neo. Others think he is just another old man in Zion. Either way, the conversation between Councillor Hamann and Neo on the engineering level gives some food in The Matrix Reloaded. But the bigger questions arise afterwards: Is Councillor Hamann a previous “One”? It would explain…

  • Using ClearType on Windows XP

    For those of you on a Windows XP machine, there is a way to increase readability of text on your screen by 10-15%. Microsoft has introduced what they are calling ClearType to their operating system. Apple has been using a similar technology since 1976, but Microsoft has just finally caught on. What it basically does…

  • Merovingian Matrix Reloaded Transcript

    Merovingian Matrix Reloaded Transcript

      The speculations have come from all angles as to who the Merovingian really is and what role he will play in The Matrix trilogy. Is he a previous one? Is he human? Or is he just a “very dangerous program” as the Oracle describes him. Whatever your view is, when Neo, Morpheus, and Trinity…

  • Neo-Oracle Matrix Reloaded Transcript

    Neo-Oracle Matrix Reloaded Transcript

      There are several camps out there that have opinions as to what the Oracle’s real intentions are. From her talk with Neo in The Matrix Reloaded, we know that she says she is a program. But is her purpose to help the machines or the humans? Or does she have her own goals in…

  • Smith Interrogates Morpheus Transcript

    Smith Interrogates Morpheus Transcript

      Since the release of The Matrix Reloaded, scenes from the first film have whole new meanings. One of the scenes that is probably overlooked too much is the scene where Agent Smith interrogates Morpheus. Agent Smith moves away from the computer-like personality that all the agents seem to posses to reveal a philosopher and a…

  • Matrix Reloaded Theory One

    Matrix Reloaded Theory One

    The Matrix Reloaded has caused plenty of discussion coupled with tons of confusion. Questions abound as people continue to try and figure the puzzle out or simply give up and dismiss the movie as nonsense. I have continued thinking. After seeing the movie for the third time, I sat down and drew out what I…

  • Common Matrix Reloaded Misconceptions

    Common Matrix Reloaded Misconceptions

    After The Matrix came out, few thought that the Wachowski Brothers would be able to top themselves. And with such high prospects for The Matrix Reloaded, it would be impossible to meet everyone’s expectations. No matter what you’re opinion was of the second Matrix movie, you couldn’t deny that it had you thinking. I didn’t feel the need to write…

  • The Architect Transcript

    The Architect Transcript

      One of the most profound, yet confusing scenes in The Matrix Reloaded comes near the end when Neo is confronted with The Architect. It is profound because it discloses an entire new concept to what most thought the purpose of the Matrix was. It is confusing because so much information is given in such a…

  • Conditional Formatting in Excel

    Conditional Formatting in Excel

    Conditional Formatting is one of the features that takes Excel from a simple spreadsheet tool to an application builder. Depending on the value of a cell, you can change the formatting of that cell. Formatting in cells can also be conditional based off of the values in another cell or the results of a calculation.…

  • Things to think about after seeing Minority Report

    Things to think about after seeing Minority Report

    After seeing Minority Report (my review), I had a lot of thoughts that ran through my mind. Many of the topics covered in Minority Report are in high debate and discussion right now. Here are some thoughts and questions that ran through my mind. I offer these as questions with no answers from me. The answers…