Joan of Arc monument in Philadelphia

Why Study Winston Churchill?




The purpose of this presentation is to give people an understanding why Churchill is worth studying today. The presentation takes look at why most of us remember Churchill, an overview of his political and writing careers, and how recent leaders saw him.



The Ronald Reagan quotes come from a letter sent to the Churchill Society on March 24, 1982. Richard M. Langworth, “Ronald Reagan 1911-2004,” Finest Hour 123 (2004): 17.

The Margaret Thatcher quote comes from a speech given on May 7, 1940 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Churchill becoming Prime Minister. John Ramsden, Man of the Century: Winston Churchill and His Legend Since 1945 (New York: Columbia University Press, 2002), 149.

The Bill Clinton quote comes from a speech given on June 12, 1990 at a luncheon sponsored by the Churchill Club. He was then Governor of Arkansas. Bill Clinton, “Churchill and Achievement,” Finest Hour 140 (2008): 32.

The George W Bush quote comes from a speech given on February 4, 2004 at the opening ceremony of “Churchill and the Great Republic,” a exhibit at the Library of Congress. George W. Bush, “Churchill and Liberty,” Finest Hour 140 (2008): 41.