Joan of Arc monument in Philadelphia

CFP-Teaching Joan of Arc and Her World in and out of the Classroom




Call for Papers sponsored by The International Joan of Arc Society/Société Internationale de l’étude de Jeanne d’Arc

International Congress on Medieval Studies (ICMS 2023)
May 11 to 13, 2023 Western Michigan University

In his translation of Joan of Arc’s 1431 condemnation trial, Daniel Hobbins instructed his readers that the defendant “was not a contradiction to her world but its product, and she is comprehensible only within the terms of reference of that culture.” After 600 years of dissemination of Joan of Arc’s story through art, literature, stage, and film for a variety of agendas from varying (and competing) cultures, understanding the dichotomy emphasized by Hobbins is a herculean challenge posed to educators of the medieval world. The basic outline of Joan of Arc’s story is known, as demonstrated by the yearly answers presented on Jeopardy, but getting past basic facts and dates is the challenge of educators of the medieval world.

  • This panel seeks papers from those teaching about Joan of Arc and her world in and out of the classroom. Some potential topics to explore include:
  • What digital experiences, especially during the pandemic, connected with students? Are these same digital experiences useful in person?
  • What methods required honing in order to better connect with students?
  • How do you identify and overcome students’ preconceived ideas of Joan and her world?
  • What texts connect with students? What texts seemingly connected in previous years, but have since stopped and why? And of course, what did the students teach you about Joan and her world?

The 2023 International Congress on Medieval Studies will be a hybrid experience with both in-person and virtual panels. This panel will be hosted virtual, so in-person attendance is not required.

If you are interested, please submit a proposal for a 15-minute presentation no later than September 15, 2022 to the Confex proposal portal (

  1. Scroll down to “Session Selection”.
  2. Click “Sponsored and Special Sessions of Papers”.
  3. Scroll down and click “Teaching Joan of Arc and Her World in and out of the Classroom”.
  4. Click “Begin a Submission”.

Preliminary inquiries and expressions of interest are more than welcome and can be sent to the session organizers: Tara Beth Smithson (, Stephanie Coker ( Scott Manning (