Joan of Arc monument in Philadelphia

CFP–Performing Joan: Interpreting the Maid on Screen, on Stage, and in the Streets

Call for Papers sponsored by The International Joan of Arc Society/Société Internationale de l’étude de Jeanne d’Arc

International Congress on Medieval Studies (ICMS 2020)
May 7 to 10, 2020
Western Michigan University

Joan of Arc continues to captivate filmmakers, most recently Bruno Dumont, whose headbanging heroine mixes medieval and metal in Jeannette: The Childhood of Joan of Arc (2017) and Joan of Arc (2019). Joan has also made a Broadway comeback via three recent productions: David Byrne’s rock musical Joan of Arc: Into the Fire (2017) the 2018 revival of Shaw’s Saint Joan, and Jane Anderson’s Mother of the Maid(2018). Participatory street theater such as Orléans’ yearly Fêtes de Jeanne d’Arc or the procession’s campier New World cousin, a Joan-themed carnival parade in New Orleans, also shape the Maid’s evolving legacy.

This panel seeks papers that explore the origins, processes, and reception of Joan in performance. What performative aspects characterize the primary documents that inspired subsequent retellings of Joan’s story? Why do certain patterns emerge in Joan’s onstage and onscreen afterlives? And how do different authors and actors approach the creative task of communicating Joan’s relevance to new audiences? What purposes do these performances serve for those who conceive of or take part in them? Finally, how are the productions that Joan inspires received?

Please submit a 250-word proposal for a 15-minute presentation. Proposals should have an abstract format written in Word doc and be accompanied by a brief academic bio (or a CV), including email address, current affiliation, and title/name. Please submit all relevant documents by September 10, 2019 to Scott Manning ( and Tara Beth Smithson (

Preliminary inquiries and expressions of interest are more than welcome.


Tara Beth Smithson, Manchester University (
Scott Manning, Independent Scholar (

This is one of two panels sponsored by the International Joan of Arc Society for Kalamazoo 2020. Please see our CFP for Globalizing Joan of Arc: Positioning France’s Most Famous Freedom Fighter in a Transnational Landscape


