Stupid Word Features that should be Turned Off |
Scott Manning | October 21, 2005 |
I'm an avid user of Microsoft's Word. While it is still the best word processor available, there are plenty of "features" that will drive me nuts. Some of those features were introduced... |
Quick XML Formatting with Microsoft Excel |
Scott Manning | July 14, 2005 |
After looking for a quick and dirty way to put a list in an XML format, Steve DiBello told me his hack-method using Excel. It's so simple that it needed to be... |
Multiple References to One Footnote in Word |
Scott Manning | November 12, 2003 |
This question comes from Ram Ramakrishnan. Ram was writing a Microsoft Word document and wanted to use a footnote. He wanted to reference that one footnote multiple times throughout the document. When... |
Perform Math Calculations in Flash |
Scott Manning | April 30, 2003 |
One of the basic requirements of any business app is the ability to do math. In this tutorial, we will cover how to do basic arithmetic in Flash. We'll also cover the... |
Tabbing in the Flash MX ScrollPane Component |
Scott Manning | March 31, 2003 |
The Flash MX ScrollPane component would be perfect if you could tab within it. This tutorial shows how to enable tabbing and covers the basics of tabbing within the ScrollPane.... |
Control objects with a ComboBox in Flash MX |
Scott Manning | November 11, 2002 |
It took me forever to find a good title for this tutorial and I still don't think it completely describes what I'm going to show you. I want to create a dropdown... |
How to fix drunken components nested in a component |
Scott Manning | October 1, 2002 |
Today, I was trying to build a scrolling form in Flash MX using components. Everything was going well until I published my movie. The fonts and UI components nested within the scrolling... |
Adding a Favicon to your site |
Scott Manning | February 28, 2002 |
If you are using Internet Explorer 5 or higher, you'll notice that when you add my website to your favorites, my logo replaces the regular Internet Explorer icon in the Address bar.... |