Digital Survivors

Tabbing in the Flash MX ScrollPane Component

Scott Manning
March 31, 2003

Flash MX comes with a standard set of UI Components. Among these components is the ScrollPane. This components purpose is simple: You can stick anything in the ScrollPane and scroll it. When I say "anything", I mean text, MovieClips, objects, and even other components.

I decided to get a little creative and insert some textfields, ComboBoxes, and buttons in it. The scrolling worked just fine, but for some reason tabbing would not work. I tried almost a dozen different methods with no luck.

I spent literally three weeks working on this. I searched Google for the answer, posted on numerous message boards, and even questioned some Macromedians. No one seemed to be able to solve the problem.

Then I asked on the devmx message board. I received an answer within hours. It turns out that tabbing in the ScrollPane is disabled automatically (See below).

tabbing_false (8k image)

At first, I tried just hacking the component. This scared me, because I didn't know what other components might be affected.

Eventually, all I needed was one line of code:

_level0.scrollpane.tabChildren = true;

This code works where "scrollpane" is the Instance Name of the ScrollPane component in your Flash movie. Here is a sample of the final result:

Picking apart the code
On the second frame of the sample FLA, you find the following code:

//Embed my fonts
globalStyleFormat.embedFonts = true;
globalStyleFormat.textFont = "arial";
globalStyleFormat.textFont = "verdana";
//Enable Tabbing for objects in the scrollpane
_level0.scrollpane.tabChildren = true;
// Set the focus of the first object in the scrollpane
// Set the tab order
_level0.scrollpane.tmp_mc.button1.tabIndex = 1;
_level0.scrollpane.tmp_mc.text2.tabIndex = 2;
_level0.scrollpane.tmp_mc.text3.tabIndex = 3;
_level0.scrollpane.tmp_mc.text4.tabIndex = 4;
_level0.scrollpane.tmp_mc.dropdown5.tabIndex = 5;
//Disable tabbing for the scrollpane itself
_level0.scrollpane.tabEnabled = 0;

I'm going to pick this code apart piece by piece. First, you find the following code:

globalStyleFormat.embedFonts = true;
globalStyleFormat.textFont = "arial";
globalStyleFormat.textFont = "verdana";

This code is used to embed the fonts within the Flash MX components. For more information see How to fix drunken components nested in a component.

Next, you'll see:

_level0.scrollpane.tabChildren = true;

This is the magic code that enables tabbing within the ScrollPane. Without this code, nothing will work.

After that, you'll see:


This sets the cursor focus to the first object within the ScrollPane. That means the button will already be selected. This saves an extra tab stroke.

Next, we'll set the order of the tabbing:

_level0.scrollpane.tmp_mc.button1.tabIndex = 1;
_level0.scrollpane.tmp_mc.text2.tabIndex = 2;
_level0.scrollpane.tmp_mc.text3.tabIndex = 3;
_level0.scrollpane.tmp_mc.text4.tabIndex = 4;
_level0.scrollpane.tmp_mc.dropdown5.tabIndex = 5;

This is needed because Flash will make up its own tabbing order and it's not always correct. I have samples of text fields, a button, and a ComboBox.

I have used an ordering scheme of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Some people prefer to used increments of 5 like 1, 5, 10, 15, etc. They do this in case another object is added to the set of objects. This makes it so you don't have to spend extra time renumbering everything.


_level0.scrollpane.tabEnabled = 0;

This code disables tabbing for the ScrollPane itself. Otherwise, after the user has tabbed through all the objects within the ScrollPane, the focus will be set to the ScrollPane.

And that covers the basics of tabbing within the ScrollPane. You can download the FLA below: