Close examination of the The Matrix Reloaded reveals several facts that lead one to believe a single matrix would be empirically illogical. Based on current death rates and birth rates (we can assume these are true because the Matrix is based on current times) we can calculate the growth rate of the Matrix. Also, based on the facts presented in the movie we can calculate the rate at which minds are freed. The following calculations represent that data presented in the movie.
Rate of growth = (birth rate/Year) * total population
Rate of attrition = (death rate/year) * total population
Rate of freedom = (persons in matrix * (minds freed/person)) * population of matrix) + (population of matrix * spontaneous awaking constant)
The “spontaneous awaking constant” is quite low, but once a few minds are freed (and since Zion begins with 24 people, as stated in the movie) the “rate of freedom” grows at an exponential rate. Once the matrix reaches a certain point, a saturation point if you will, the rate increases astronomically. As shown by the Matrix Calculator, this point is around 250,000 people.

The machines would have accounted for this (and for the purpose of this theory have) and created a redundancy system, this is the Second Matrix (which will further be referenced as Matrix2). This matrix presents people that reject the idea of the Matrix1 with a harsh reality. But a reality they accept as the truth, because it seems logical to these perceptive people that were able to see through the facade of the Matrix1. However, as stated in the Architect’s transcript, a reality based on despair caused whole crops to be lost. Therefore a glimmer of hope was given to the people escaping into this Matrix, Neo.
Neo represents a false hope/savior to the people in Matrix2. The Architect and the Oracle both saw this as a necessity to make the final incarnation of their creation feasible. A glimmer of hope will save crops and keep the people of Zion placated. Neo was never meant to save anybody. He is just another level of Matrix2 to keep people that may reject it satisfied with their current reality.
Proof of Theorem
Clue 1: During the Architect’s speech to Neo one of the images seen is Neo in the Nebecaneezer. This image would only have been possible if the Architect had control of the area Neo was in (Matrix2)
Clue 2: When Neo awakens after the speech from the Architect he states, “something is different”. Meaning, he is able to now sense he is still part of the matrix.
Clue 3: Neo is able to stop a Sentinel from attacking his crew. The only possible way this can be achieved was he is now able to control this new matrix.
While this theory is only one of many possible conclusions that could be reached from watching the The Matrix Reloaded, much of the data presented in the movie supports the Second Matrix Theory.