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Maurice Reeves

Name: Maurice Reeves
Email Address:
Birth Place: Alexandria, VA
Birth Date: 1975
Location: Harrisburg, PA
Occupation: Code Monkey
Favorite Movies: Fight Club, American Beauty, Usual Suspects, Flash Gordon, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Amelie, Dead Poet’s Society, Akira, Ninja Scroll, Matrix
Favorite TV Shows: Smallville, Twin Peaks, Mail Call, Good Eats, Iron Chef, Robotech, American Idol
Favorite Books: Authors instead of Books, it’s easier: Vonnegut, HP Lovecraft, Emerson, Thoreau, Shakespeare, Ayn Rand, Tennyson, Ezra Pound, TS Elliot, RD Laing, Sartre
Favorite Music: Dead Can Dance, BT, Paul Oakenfold, Bjork, Moby, The Who, Led Zeppelin, The Prodigy, Mozart, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov, Chopin, Debussy, Pink Floyd
Favorite Games: Red Alert, Madden Football, Sim City, EA Sports NHL Hockey, Unreal Tournament, Monopoly, Blackjack, Rummy, Egyptian Ratscrew
Most Frequented Websites: Slashdot, WWDN,,,,,,,, Savage Love, O’Reilly’s Safari Site Comic Sites: Dilbert, Get Fuzzy, Boondocks, Sexy Losers, Sinfest, Foxtrot, For Better or For Worse, PVPOnline, Penny Arcade
Source for News: Slashdot, Washington Times, Financial Times, Google News, CNN, Fox News, MSNBC
Dream Vacation: Traveling the world in a yacht and seeing all of the world’s greatest sites
Motto for Life: Carpe Diem It is better to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission No regrets What is the best thing I can be doing as this most important in my life?
Do Before Death: Be a good father. That’s most important to me. Strange as it sounds, but if I did nothing else in my life of worth, as long as I did this I would die happy.